Breathe, Connect, Create

Breathe, Connect, Create...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Overall, I think the weekend was pretty dreamy. B had to work all weekend which was a bummer, but we had wonderful evenings together. We laughed, we joked, we waged tickle wars, and we even managed to get out to eat as a family (I'm a tight wad and hardly ever let this happen).

While B was away, LB and I had a mildly productive weekend. I managed to get a few things knocked off of the school to do list. LB cleaned her room really well all by herself! We made the bracelets featured in this tutorial (we used an old jersey bed sheet). We started both the compost and poop compost piles. Our indoor seeds have been started and we hosted a puppy play date.

It was lovely. Not everything got accomplished, but I allowed myself to focus on quality rather than quantity, in everything I did this weekend. Though I'll probably be regretting that decision later this month when everything starts sneaking up on me. Can't win can we?
I leave you with this:

 ...she's the greatest!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My girl SaraBeth over at Salt and Chocolate (... okay, we're not tight but we sip tea together over weekly blog readings!) does this Dreamy/Practical list for her weekends. I thought it would be neat, so I'm stealing it.

take the dog to the beach/on a hike
sip tea, while lazily perusing my mega stack of unread magazines
not look at the computer until Monday
cook a fantastic Sunday breakfast
create something
clean office (including installing shelves)
meal plan for the week
photo shoot with Riley and Ginger

knock out at least three post-its on the school work wall of shame
go to church
plant indoor veggie seeds
fill last bed with dirt
bathe dog, including clean ears (this one scares me!)
puppy patrol (aka clean up poop)

What is your weekend looking like?