Breathe, Connect, Create

Breathe, Connect, Create...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Game on...

This year for Christmas we wanted to give gifts that required more involvement and togetherness than just watching (or not) the recipient open a package. So with that in mind, we gave my younger cousins board games that came with an invitation for a Game themed sleepover. What were we thinking! No really it was a lot of fun, but things didn't go quite as I had planned.

The gaming part never really got off of the ground:

Instead they were more interested in this:
 And this:

I think we're doing it again next month, which was just what I had in mind!


  1. I love this! I can't wait for my girls to have some cousins their age. But I'm sure in no rush for my brother to have kids, lol

  2. Right! I'm still waiting to become an Aunt too! These were all my cousins-Riley's second cousins. And thankfully non of my siblings are ready for kids either. I think we're going to change up the theme each month and I think they will get more into it as time goes on.

  3. The girls have one 2nd cousin their age (4) but she is so shy and (I hate to use the word) clingy :/ she won't be ready for a sleepover anytime soon but it would be awesome, I'm waiting patiently! :)
    I bet the girls will love helping you pick out themes, may I suggest a cooking theme? It's so much fun to cook with kids and there are tons of kid friendly cookbooks at the library :)
