Breathe, Connect, Create

Breathe, Connect, Create...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's FAIL

I have always admired terrariums. I love how they have this simplistic appeal that eludes complexity. And seeing how my DNA was coded for a black thumb I felt that building one of my own would be pretty simple. I mean, once you get past the construction aspect, you're left with a practically self-sufficient plant ecosystem. So without further a-diue, let's see how I did, shall we...

 Step 1. Acquire necessary materials.

Step 2. Take a better look at said materials and realize that the plants I have chosen (although lovely) are in fact CACTI! Ugh, I really chose the only plants that would suffer a long agonizing death in my perfectly assembled environment. REALLY!?!

Step 3. Accept failure and improvise. These plants (I think they are more popularly known as 'hens and chickens') now live happily with the pitiful existence of my ironically labeled "Chicken Liver" plant.

Oh well, you win some and you lose some. Happy Gardening Y'all!

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